latest & past issues of Kaiming & Painting The Rainbow Tai Chi & Qigong Newsletters

Regular weekly classes
We teach all aspects of tai chi and chi-kung (qigong) in our weekly classes that are listed on:


Workshops & Camps
offer workshops on a monthly basis and an annual tai chi legacy camp. We cana lso deliver workshops on-site.


Train to be an instructor
We run a training program that can take you from beginner to running your own classes. Please contact us for details.

Training, classes and more...

We have been teaching tai chi chuan and chi-king (qigong) for 30+ and sharing newsletters for most of that time. Initially, print and post in the good ol' pre-internet days.

This tai chi newsletters website has only been up a few short years and I've added lots of back issues. If you'd like previous issues please let me know.

We'll continue to update and would really appreciate any submissions for both Kai Ming which is a traditional look at the whole art of tai chi chuan, and PtR which is focused purely on health and well-being

What We Offer